
Affordable Website Design
that delivers

Functional Website Design in Johannesburg and Nationwilde

Website Design: Does this sounds familiar?

  • Do you need a Website?
  • Your Website is not attracting visitors?
  • Your Website is not converting visitors?
  • Not attracting the right type of visitors?
  • It does not represent your Brand anymore?
  • Your Website is slow and sometimes offline?
  • Does not work or look good on a Cellphone?
  • Do you need more functionality?
  • Is it time for a revamp?
website design

How important is a proper website?

Having a Website is non-negotiable these days. To take your business to the next level or even just to stay relevant and survive, a professionally created website is critical. 

In these modern times, customers will expect any reputable company to have an online presence. Customers want to be informed before making decisions. Having an online platform for them to browse your products or services on their own time, and in the comfort of their own homes, is vital.

A well-designed website will form the basis of your marketing strategy. Your customer base will expand to.. well basically to wherever you choose. 

Read this article about the importance of a well-designed website for your business.

So what does it take to design a High-Performing Website?

Building a successful website goes beyond aesthetics; it requires a strategic approach and attention to various key factors. At Enrom Graphics Web Design, we understand what it takes to create a website that not only looks great but also performs exceptionally well. Here’s what goes into crafting a high-performing WordPress website:

Strategic Planning:

We begin by understanding your business goals, target audience, and unique selling points. This forms the foundation for our design and development process.

User-Centric Design:

Our designs prioritize user experience, ensuring easy navigation, clear calls-to-action, and intuitive layouts that guide visitors towards desired actions..

Responsive Design:

With the majority of internet users browsing on mobile devices, we ensure that your website is fully responsive, providing a seamless experience on all devices.

Content Strategy:

Compelling and relevant content is essential for driving conversions. Together we will develop a content strategy that resonates with your audience.

Search Engine Optimization:

We always keep SEO in mind, incorporating relevant keywords, meta tags, and other on-page elements to improve visibility and ranking on search engine results pages.

Continuous Improvement:

We monitor website performance and user feedback, making iterative improvements to ensure that your website remains effective and aligned with your business objectives.

By focusing on these elements, we create websites that not only meet but exceed expectations, delivering tangible results and helping you achieve your online goals.

Read this article for more info about what makes a good website.

Why working with us makes sense.

Personalised Service

At Enrom Graphics Web Design we focus on your specific needs. All our websites are custom-designed according to your requirements and goals. Building a relationship with our clients is our goal and we will go the extra mile to leave you satisfied completely.

Complete Solution

We handle all the aspects of getting your business online. No need to deal with multiple companies to ensure that your website stays online and up to date. Our services include development, hosting, support, maintenance, marketing and SEO services. 

Safety and Stability

We only use the tried and tested platform WordPress to create stable, fast-loading and secure websites. More than 40% of all websites are run on this platform. It's been around for a long time and is here to stay. Stability and safety are vital in Web Design.

FAQ: Any Questions?

Some of the more common questions we get on a day to day basis.

wordpress websites
elementor builder
website design
website design

Website Maintenance and Support Packages

Already have a website, just need it updated and maintained? No problem.

Websites need constant backend updates to keep them secure and working properly. The threat of your site being hacked or spammed is real. Security updates are released monthly or even weekly to safeguard your website. A properly updated and maintained website is key in protecting your investment and securing sensitive customer details. A backup schedule is crucial in case of a security breach. Daily Website backups come standard on all plans. 


Maintenance Only Packages (Hosting Included)

We Maintain Your Existing Website.

  • Hosting 15GB

  • WordPress Updates

  • Security Updates

  • Site Optimisation

  • Unlimited Bandwidth

  • Content Management
    (< 2 hours pm)

  • LiteSpeed Hosting 25GB

  • WordPress Updates

  • Site Optimisation

  • Security Updates

  • Content Management
    (< 3 Hours p/m)

  • Traffic Monitoring

  • Popi Compliance Updates

  • Spam Protection Updates

  • Meta Data Updates

  • LiteSpeed Hosting 40GB

  • WordPress Updates

  • Site Optimisation

  • Security Updates

  • Content Management
    (<6 Hours p/m)

  • Traffic Monitoring

  • POPI Compliance Updates

  • Spam Protection Updates

  • Meta Data Updates

  • E-Mail Setup Remote Support

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